Dan Pavlik
Jan 13, 2023
With the introduction of the 2023 year, fees have been assessed.
Thank you, HarborWalk, as we continue to make our transition to our new management company, EMS.
As a reminder – there has been a change in association fees as of January 2023 ($10 increase). Details of this change are outlined in the 2022 HarborWalk Meeting Minutes from November. These can be found on the website.
For those owners who had ACH payments with JAS Management – we are in receipt of your January fee (old fee rate). You may begin your payments in February and there will be a $10 balance added to that statement.
For those other owners who made payments via other methods to JAS Management (at the old fee rate) for January – those have been recorded and your next payment in February will reflect the $10 balanced added to that statement.
Check HOA Vine for ways to pay your association fee and your latest statement. Link to HOA Vine is located on the HarborWalk website.