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At HarborWalk, we offer a state-of-the-art fitness facility for residents to enjoy. You will find all the necessities to support a healthy lifestyle right in your own backyard. 


Fitness Center Hours: 5A - 11P Daily

Wi-Fi Password: H@rborW@lk2021


The rules and regulations are designed to make the HarborWalk Fitness Center a safe and enjoyable place for all. Violations of these rules and regulations can result in suspension and/or termination of your Fitness Center privileges.


  1. The HarborWalk Fitness Center is open to all residents.

  2. Tobacco, smoking, vaping, drugs or illegal substances of any kind are not permitted in the facility or on the grounds.

  3. No food but bottled water/sports drinks are permissible (plastic containers only).

  4. You are expected to observe weight room etiquette and demonstrate courtesy towards others at all times.

  5. Personal headsets or earbuds are welcome as long as the volume is not disruptive to others. No personal boom boxes, bluetooth speakers or stereos allowed.

  6. Proper fitness attire is required. Appropriate SHIRTS and SHOES must be worn at all times.

  7. Please make sure and sanitize the equipment after each use and before you move to another workout station.

  8. No equipment is to be taken out of the Fitness Center.

  9. Dumbbells and other equipment must be returned to their proper place/racks after use.

  10. DO NOT drop dumbbells on the floor.

  11. Please perform exercises with weight that you can safely lift.

  12. All equipment malfunctions and concerns need to be reported to the management company immediately.

  13. The HarborWalk Community Association is not responsible for personal property that is lost, stolen or damaged.

Copyright © 2023 HarborWalk Community Assoc., Inc.  All rights reserved.

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